In the final step, you have to verify the Service Status.If the message appears then choose OK and click on it.Next check whether the Payroll Update message appears or not.Next, go back to QuickBooks Desktop and from there click on the Remove button to remove the payroll service key.

There you will find a box with Service Key. Once again click on the Edit button and a new window named ‘QuickBooks Service Sign-up will appear.In case a payroll service is already listed then click on Edit.Next, if you do not have a payroll service listed then select Add.Open the QuickBooks Service Key window.Or you can follow these next steps to enter the service key Next click on it to enter or edit the service key.Another drop-down menu will appear, from there select Manage Service Key.A drop-down menu will appear, from there select My Payroll Service.In case your company already has an existing payroll then Next, another drop-down menu will appear, from there select Enter Payroll Service Key.On choosing the Employee tab a drop-down menu will appear.Select the Employees tab from the menu bar on the top.In case your company there is no payroll service then How to Enter or Edit the Payroll Service Key The user has to open the QuickBooks Service Keys window The business phone number does not match the phone number you have provided on the software’s file.The payroll product is bought from the retail store.There are multiple payroll orders within the system.3 of the possible reasons are provided here. Well, there are several reasons why your service key doesn’t work. Why your QuickBooks Payroll Service Key Doesn’t Work?

This article will give you all the steps in which you can follow the process of getting the Service Key.

In case you have not received or lost your service key you can use our automated Service Key Retrieval tool to get it. If you face any problem in retrieving the service key then you can contact our QuickBooks payroll help team. To activate your QuickBooks payroll service in your software file you would have to enter the code therein. The service key will be specific to your EIN and payroll service. You are then provided with the 16-digit service key code for QuickBooks via Email. To get your Payroll activated, you would need to buy the service key by making a call. Schedule a Meeting How to Get QuickBooks Payroll Service Key